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Published by: Jameela Ghann

Once upon a time, I had a ‘meh’ selling product on my online store, but I knew it could sell better with a bit more social proof!

Adding product reviews increased my sales, and I will show you how product reviews increased my Shopify sales, so keep reading or watch the video below!

The backstory

My name is Jameela, and I own the jewelry store Alora Boutique and Alora runs on Shopify.

We had a really good set of earrings that sold well in person and through our wholesale channels.

However, they weren't selling online.

A 'meh' selling product

Lia Sept 1 7

Asking for product reviews from past customers

Since Fera launched the new product reviews functionality, I decided to create a one-time review request to ask all our past customers that bought the Lia studs for a review!

One Time Review Request Campaigns Progressive

Setting Conditions

Setting conditions is super easy with Fera; you can choose to send requests based on conditions like
  • Product ordered
  • Location
  • Order value

Since I only wanted to get reviews for the Lia Studs, I set the condition below.

Review Request Conditions

Sending Review Requests

I sent my review request on September 9th, and I got some reviews to post to my product page!

Product Review Request Campaign

Adding Product Reviews to Your Product Page

Once I started getting reviews coming in, I added them to my product page!

Lia Earring Reviews Alora

Advantages of eCommerce product reviews

Product reviews are so important because they:

  1. Build Trust Between Your Brand and Customers
  2. Increase Conversion Rates

Product Reviews Build Trust

Most shoppers heavily rely on product reviews when deciding whether or not to buy your product.

The sad truth is that many of your shoppers won't buy your product if you don't have any reviews.

That's because shoppers consider reviews to be just as trustworthy as a personal recommendation.

That's because product reviews are typically unbiased, honest opinions.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Product Reviews Increase Conversion Rates

Ninety-five percent of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase, and products that have five or more reviews have a higher conversion rate than products that have none!

In the "Evidence of the Power of Online Reviews to Shape Customer Behavior" report, the Spiegel research center laid out that the:

  • Purchase likelihood for a product with five + reviews is 270 percent greater than the purchase likelihood of a product with no reviews.
  • Conversion rate increased 190 percent for lower priced products and 380% for higher-priced products

How to Get Customers to Write Reviews

Now that you know how critical product reviews are, you will have to start asking for them, but how do you get product reviews from your customers?

Here are a couple of tips:

  • Send your e-mail promptly
  • Use a killer review request subject line
  • Give them guidance in the body of the email
  • Offer them great incentives
    • Cashback
    • Loyalty points
    • Discounts


Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Manage and Post Negative Reviews

When you ask for reviews, you will get negative reviews, but don't shy away from them!

How you respond to negative product reviews will make all the difference in your customer's eyes!

Approve negative reviews

Approve any negative you review you get because if you only have 5-star positive reviews, it looks suspicious!

Sixty-eight percent of customers trust reviews more when there is a mix of both good and bad ratings.

With Fera, you can approve, deny, or request a revision from your customers. It's typically best to approve the review and reply to them!

Learn from negative reviews

A bad review can be a good teacher!

For example, one lady said that the posts on our earrings were too long, so if we get more reviews just like that, we may have to shorten our earring posts.

Bad reviews help you improve your product and customer service :D

Proof Product Reviews Increase Sales

Okay! Now here comes the proof that product reviews increase.

A week after, I quadrupled the sales for the same product. Just having a couple of reviews on the page improved my sales!

Just a note that nothing else really changed on my site, and I kept by ad spend about the same.

Lia Studs 14th To 20th Sept  Progressive

One month after I saw better sales (but I did increase my ad spend by about 65% since it was worth it to send more people to the product).

Now the products are on pre-order!

Lia Studs Oct 14 20 Progressive

How you can add Product Reviews to Shopify

If you want to replicate my results, start adding product reviews to Shopify with Fera.ai.

All you have to do is:

  1. Download Fera product reviews app from the Shopify app store
  2. Import your existing reviews if you have any from
    • Judge.me
    • Shopper Approved
    • Shopify Reviews
    • Loox
    • Yotpo
    • Stamped
  3. Set up a review request campaign
  4. Watch your reviews start rolling in!

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Summary: You Need Product Reviews!

Product Reviews help you increase sales, even if you are a small merchant like me!

Just try setting up a one time or on-going review request campaign and start seeing results!

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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Live chat with one of our all-star team members to answer all your questions.