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Published by: Fera Team

eCommerce can be hard, but it doesn’t need to be.

We're excited to partner with Kased Digital, an eCommerce agency specializing in helping Shopify brands optimize their online stores, to bring you the Build It Better series.

What is Build it Better?

Through Build It Better, we'll learn how to build high converting eCommerce websites by looking at live examples from different industries.

In each video, we'll look at what existing stores can be doing better on their live site, and examples of how best-incclass brands are executing the best practices already.

Build It Better: Give Them Lala Skin v Kylie Cosmetics

This time we’re looking at www.givethemlalaskin.com and comparing it to the industry titan site www.kyliecosmetics.com

Give Them Lala Skin is a newly launched Skincare brand by reality TV star Lala Kent.

Build It Better - Give Them Lala Skin - Conversion Rate Optimization Audit

eCommerce can be hard, but it doesn’t need to be. Build It Better is a video series where we learn together how to build high converting eCommerce websites by looking at live examples from different industries.

Things we talk about in the video

If you want to improve specific things on your website, you can jump to these parts of the video, to see what

  • 2:45 - Compliance and Cookie Opt-in Info

Visit here more info about cookies & opt-ins: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/your-account/privacy/cookies

  • 4:40 Policies

Info about policies: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/refund-privacy-tos

  • 5:40 Multi-Currency Shopping

  • 7:23 Multi-Currency Checkout

Info: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/payments/shopify-payments/multi-currency

  • 8:08 Accessibility & the Theme Store

  • 9:05 Accessibility & Color Contrast

  • 10:05 Accessibility & Screen Readers

  • 12:05 Call to Actions on the Home Page

  • 13:50 How to Find what Theme a Shopify Store is Using

  • 14:20 What are Shopify Themes?

  • 15:30 Merchandising Your Products to Solve Shoppers Needs

  • 15:52 How to Design Your Menu for Shopping

  • 18:10 Image Alt Text

  • 20:00 Technical Difficulties! (Left in because it’s funny!)

  • 21:00 Technical Difficulties Solved

  • 21:45 Introduction to Guy, the pet cat.

  • 22:15 Page Titles

  • 23:00 Intro to Google-Fu and Filters

  • 24:00 Page Title Best Practices & Keywords in Descriptions

  • 25:00 Moz Pro & Checking SEO

  • 26:00 Domain Authority, Linking Domains, Inbound Links

  • 27:30 Site Speed

  • 29:40 Clicks to Purchase

  • 30:50 Split Payments Options

  • 31:20 Product Page Tabs

  • 33:00 Product Reviews & Growing Reviews with Fera.ai

  • 34:30 Launch Strategies

  • 35:40 Aesthetic Improvements for Brand Consistency

  • 37:00 Multi-brands & one experience

  • 38:10 Cart Page vs. Cart Drawer

  • 39:20 Customizing Your Checkout

  • 40:15 Footer Best Practices

  • 40:40 Newsletter Best Practices

Tools used in this audit

  • Accessibility Insights for Web Chrome Plugin - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/accessibility-insights-fo/pbjjkligggfmakdaogkfomddhfmpjeni

  • Koala Inspector - Shopify Inspector Chrome Plugin - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/koala-inspector-inspect-e/hjbfbllnfhppnhjdhhbmjabikmkfekgf

  • P.S. Fera has a similar tool called Shopify App Detector by Fera.ai

  • Alt Text Checker Chrome Plugin - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alt-text-tester/koldhcllpbdfcdpfpbldbicbgddglodk

  • Moz Pro SEO Checker - https://analytics.moz.com/

Tools Recommended

  • Fera.ai : https://apps.shopify.com/fera

Leave a comment if you want us to go more in-depth on one subject, or if you have another store you want us to review! Or contact Sarah at www.Kaseddigital.com if you’d like help with your own store!

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