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Published by: Megan Dietrich

Are you considering adding product reviews onto your Shopify store, but have no idea where to begin?

You have come to the right place!

Throughout this post, we will guide you step by step on how to add product reviews to Shopify with Fera.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Why should you add product reviews to Shopify?

Now you may also be wondering, what is so special about adding product reviews?

Well, if you are looking to build a trustworthy brand and boost your conversion rate and sales, product reviews, and testimonials will help you do that.

Product reviews are essential for improving your sales and taking your eCommerce business to the next level to achieve success.

Jump To the How To Add Product Reviews Section.

Why Add Reviews

Benefits of product reviews

When you add product reviews to your Shopify Store, you can show your potential customers that other people have already purchased from you and had a great experience.

This will reassure shoppers that they will also have a good experience since your business is validated by others.

Product reviews are essential to growing your online store because product reviews:

  1. Increase conversions
  2. Build trust
  3. Give you user-generated content
  4. Help you rank on Google

1. Product reviews increase conversion rates

When a shopper visits your online store, they are more likely to buy the items that have product reviews attached to them.

Why is this the case?

Well, if a shopper sees that other people have already purchased the item and loved it, the shopper will view buying this product as low risk as they will expect to have a similar experience.

Now if a shopper is looking to buy a product that doesn’t have any reviews, it could come across as risky to them and they don’t want to be the first person to test it out.

When you add product reviews to your product pages, more people will want to buy what other people are buying, and that will help in increasing your conversion rate!

Boost Conversion Rate

Product reviews build trust

By showcasing your product reviews, you are helping to build trust with your potential and existing customers.

By seeing that other people have purchased items and their uploaded photo review matches the product photos, it helps to validate that you are a trustworthy brand!

Your customers will know exactly what to expect and won’t hesitate to trust and buy from you.

Build Trust With Product Reviews

Product reviews are user-generated content

User-generated content is so important in eCommerce as it acts as an additional form of marketing for your business.

Potential customers will be able to read reviews from real people and see their uploaded photo and video reviews to help show your products in a new way.

Product reviews are an extension of the product description and will take your brand to the next level.

Product reviews help you rank higher on Google

The more reviews you have, the more likely you are to rank higher on Google as the reviews help to validate your online store.

More people are willing to trust a company that has 100 reviews over a company that has none as no one wants to be the first person to try a product.

Use product reviews to help push your business towards success by being a top search result on Google.

Learn how you can add your Google reviews to Shopify.

Review Request Screen

How To Add Customer Reviews To Your Shopify Store | Customer Photos and Videos Too! 🤯

💫Add reviews to your website with Fera💫

How to add product reviews to your Shopify store

Step #1: Download Fera to your store

  • Go to the Shopify App Store and search “Fera”
  • Look for the Fera logo and the app will be titled “Fera Product Reviews App
  • Click the button “Add App”
  • This will start the download process of Fera

Fera Reviews Shopify

If you are using a different platform for your store here are the other installation guides .

Step #2:  Import existing reviews from Judge.me, Yotpo, Shopper Approved, Stamped.io, Loox, or Shopify Product Reviews

Follow these guides to import your existing reviews from the corresponding platform.

Step #3: Add a review widget

To add a product review widget, follow these steps:

  1. From the sidebar click 'Widgets'
  2. Click 'Add Widget'
  3. Click 'Reviews'
  4. Click 'Product Reviews'

You can also follow this video guide!

How to Add Product Reviews to Your Shopify Home Page

If you want to showcase your product reviews on your homepage just follow these easy steps.

Step #4: Set up an on-going review request campaign

  • On the dashboard go to Campaigns > Content Campaigns
  • Click the button “+ New Campaign” and select "On-going"

Campaigns Content Campaigns New Campaign

  • Choose what content you are requesting

Ongoing Request Options

  • Add applicable incentives and conditions
  • Customize the message
  • Send!

Here is the full walk-through of adding an ongoing campaign.

Step #5: Watch product reviews start rolling in!

How do you get more Shopify product reviews?

Now that you have added reviews to your Shopify store, how do you get more customer reviews?

With Fera, you are able to fully customize the content request campaigns to bring in more reviews.

Encourage customers to leave reviews by:

  1. Sending a review request message at the right time
  2. Offering great incentives
  3. Being persistent (not annoying)

1. Sending review request messages at the right time 

When you are customizing your content campaign, it’s important to use conditions properly.

For on-going campaigns, you have the ability to choose when the request will be sent.

This is important as you want to give the customer enough time to receive the product and use it.

Simply select the number of days to send the request either after the order is created or fulfilled.

You can also set conditions to only send requests if the customer is in Canada, if the order value is over $50, or even only send requests if they have purchased a specific product.

Conditions Incentives Screenshot

Swipe these review request templates!

2. Offering great incentives 

In exchange for your customers submitting a review, you can award them with 3 different types of incentives.

  1. Cashback
  2. Loyalty points (see how to set up your loyalty points here)
  3. Discounts

Offering cashback will help boost your response rate of people submitting reviews.

Loyalty points are great to build up customers who are passionate about your brand.

Offering a discount will encourage customers to buy again from you.

Offer Incentives

3. Being persistent

If you notice some people who haven’t left reviews or have opened the request but didn’t leave a review, try setting up a reminder email.

With a reminder email, you can target those specific customers to send request reviews again while still being able to offer the same incentives and everything as the on-going campaign.

Follow up review request email

Need more help? Read How to Get More Shopify Product Reviews

How to deal with bad reviews

Once you start seeing the reviews roll in, it’s easy to expect that all of them will be positive, but the reality is you may come across some bad reviews. 

Try not to get discouraged by them and instead use them as a learning opportunity. 

Here are some tips on how to handle them:

How to deal with bad Shopify reviews: Do’s

  • Respond to the reviewer (private or publicly)
  • Offer a solution

How to deal with bad Shopify reviews: Dont's

  • Respond out of anger
  • Reveal personal information

Check out this guide on how to respond to both positive and negative reviews!

Start getting product reviews for your Shopify store

Sign up to start a free trial with Fera and see your Shopify product reviews grow!

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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