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Published by: Fera Team

These days, you need to build trust with your customers, and one of the best ways to do that is with an Average Product Rating Badge on your product page on your collection page.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Why do you need an average rating badge on your Shopify store?

According to Bright Local, 57% of consumers will only use a business with an average rating of 4 or more stars.

Not only that, but 72% of customers won’t take any action until they read reviews about your business.

People that stop by your Shopify store don't feel like they can trust you or your products if you don't have any reviews!

Reviews provide valuable information

Having average ratings on your Shopify store benefits you and your shoppers in so many ways:

  • Showing your average rating gives your shoppers quick information to make purchase decisions.
  • Average ratings provide you with feedback on popular and unpopular products that you can use to make changes.

Average rating badges help with SEO

Google Ratings Average Rating Badge

As a Shopify store owner, you know that SEO can be a time-intensive endeavor.

Using Fera's review widgets helps you improve your SEO game with little effort.

When you host your reviews on Fera, they'll appear in Google search results and in other search engines.

Here's why that matters:

  • Having enough reviews (50+) will help you appear in Google Shopping.
  • Reviews give Google fresh content! Google loves to see sites with new review content because it means people are interacting with your store.
  • Reviews enable you to earn rich snippets on search. This means more prime real estate on the first page of Google. 
  • More reviews and visibility usually mean a higher click-through rate to your website, driving more sales!

Reviews build trust

Besides all the above benefits of reviews and average ratings, reviews build trust.

Average ratings show customers proof that you sell quality products and that your Shopify store is safe to buy from.

When people feel safe buying from you, you'll see an improvement in your conversion rates.

What is an average rating badge?

An average rating badge is a widget that shows shoppers a badge with the number of reviews and average rating of a product or service.

 Here is what one looks like:

average rating badge in shopify

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

How Add An Average Product Rating Badge To Shopify

There are two places for you to add an average start rating badge:

  1. Product Page
  2. Collection Page

How to add product rating stars to your product pages

  1. Navigate to the Widget section in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click the + New Widget button or the + Add Widget section in the drop-down.
  3. Choose the Ratings widget.
  4. Select Product Ratings.
  5. Customize your widget.
  6. Click Launch or Save Draft.

How to show product ratings in your collection pages

  1. Navigate to the Widget section in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click the + New Widget button or the + Add Widget section in the drop-down.
  3. Choose the Ratings widget.
  4. Select Product Ratings.
  5. Change the Location on Page to Collection Pages
  6. Click Launch or Save Draft.

​Your product rating will look something like this:

collection page agerage rating badge

At the end of the day, displaying product reviews helps build trust with your customers.

If you are able to build trsut right away through displaying reviews, it can give your conversions a powerful boost.

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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