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Published by: Fera Team

Let’s be honest; 2022 was a pretty busy year for Fera’s engineering and product team.

We did everything we could to contribute to the eCommerce community - that meant better APIs and developer documentation.

In addition, we also launched dozens of new functionalities and upgrades to help our merchants upgrade their business and take it to the next level.

Without further ado, let’s give a little recap of everything we did in 2022 and everything you should expect in 2023!

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

More & More Integrations

Integrations were a crucial part of our plan last year.

“We're better together than we are apart.” - Trevor D. Richardson

We worked with several different partners to release 10 brand-new integrations into our app interface:

Overall, this brings our total apps/integrations count to 27, which is a pretty good number compared to other review apps.

More & More Integrations

But, it doesn’t stop there…

This year, we plan to do 30+ new apps/integrations, including Amazon, Canva, TikTok, Shoelace, WalMart, SMS, Push Notifications, and many more.

New App Features

One of our bigger goals for 2022 was to assist merchants by offering more versatility and convenience.

And we certainly accomplished that by offering 14 new major features:

  1. Custom Email Domains
  2. Fall Back on Store Reviews When 0 Product Reviews
  3. Customer and Product Exclusion Filters
  4. Review History View
  5. Automatic Store/Company Reviews
  6. Request Review Update
  7. Review Source Filters
  8. Request Review Upon Order Delivery
  9. Shopify Metafield Sync
  10. Development Flag Mode
  11. Short Quick Review Links
  12. URL API
  13. New API
  14. Custom Webhooks

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Custom Email Domains

With the assistance of this feature, you will be able to send review requests to your customers using your custom email domain.

The domain(s) must be the ones you or your business have direct control of or own.

Custom Email Domains

Fall Back on Store Reviews When 0 Product Reviews

If you’re just starting out, then chances are you won’t have any product reviews.

So, rather than showing a blank widget, you can do the following:

  • Show Reviews from Other Products
  • Show All Reviews
  • Hide Entire Block

Store Reviews When 0 Product Reviews

Customer and Product Exclusion Filters

Want to exclude a product from getting reviews?

Don’t worry; with this new feature, you will be able to create exclusions based on the following:

  • ID
  • Tags
  • Name/title

But what about customers?

Well, we got you covered on that end as well!

There are two customer attributes that can be used for exclusions:

  • Country
  • Email

Review History View

See a detailed timeline of what really happened to the review with the help of the all-new “Review History” feature.

“Review History” Feature

Automatic Store/Company Reviews

Apart from getting product reviews, you can also set up Fera to ask for store/company reviews.

Super convenient!

Request Review Update

Most customers are happy to change a negative review if they are approached and asked properly.

With this feature, you can send a "Review Update" to customers that gave you a low or negative rating.

Request Review Update

Review Source Filters

The filters will allow you to easily find reviews based on different sources, including Fera, Manual Entry, Etsy, Facebook, Google, and many more.

Review Source Filters

Request Review Upon Order Delivery

By linking Fera with a delivery app, you will be able to send a review request email at the right time.

This can significantly improve customer satisfaction and your email open rate.

Request Review Upon Order Delivery

Shopify Metafield Sync

Use review rating and rating count metafields (meta fields) in your theme templates - easy!

Development Flag Mode

Partners can enable Development Flag Mode on any account, allowing them to freely develop and customize their accounts without any billing limitations.

Development Flag Mode

Quick review links can be a fast and effective way to ask your customers for feedback.

With a press of a button, you can generate a review link and further customize it (if needed).

Quick Review Links


With the assistance of the URL API, you can send order review requests from Klaviyo, Omnisend, and others.


The Fera Private API allows you to access your store's reviews and customer data from a server-side application.

Custom Webhooks

Webhooks allow you to create custom integrations that react to a specific trigger.

Whether you want to trigger a particular workflow, send emails, or update your data, the possibilities are endless.

Custom Webhooks

What 2023 Has to Offer…

In 2023, we will focus on:

  • Sharable review cards
  • Printable "review us" QR code cards
  • Order & product management/reporting
  • Supplier reviews
  • Review widget sorting/filters
  • Multiple new widgets
  • …and more!!!

New Resources & Improvements

In 2022 we put out new developer resources, new partner programs, improved several review management interfaces, and more.

New Resources & Improvements

Coming This Year

  1. New widget designs (more beautiful and mobile-responsive),
  2. faster management UIs,
  3. more developer/partner resources,
  4. higher quality help articles/videos,
  5. simplified customization options,
  6. and more!

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.


2022 was an excellent year for Fera.

But, in 2023, we will double our efforts to provide our merchants with even more functionalities and support.

If you want to stay in tune with all of the latest updates in Fera.

Make sure that you have email notifications “ON!”

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

Still not sure?

Live chat with one of our all-star team members to answer all your questions.