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Shopify is unquestionably the world's most popular platform for eCommerce.

To be successful, you need to make sure your Shopify store is optimized at all times.

You will need to consider marketing, shipping, optimization, checkouts, product review section, and much more.

Even if you have a team, you will still be required to ensure that all these aspects function properly 24/7.

But, how can you do that?

You're only human, after all.

What if we told you - there is a simple solution!?

Shopify Apps

Shopify has a ton of different apps that will provide you with all kinds of solutions and services for your eCommerce business. Not only will this assist you in extending the overall functionality of your store, but it will also help you draw more customers - and possibly more sales.

However, each app is unique and has its specific purpose.

So, here's the big question…

How do you choose the best Shopify apps for your store in 2023 or the years to come?

You can indiscriminately download all the apps you might find helpful, but just remember that installing too many apps can cause trouble with your store's functionality and even decrease page-loading speeds!

We will thoroughly explain how you can track down the most suitable application in a few easy steps.

All the steps are straightforward, making this guide perfectly suitable for start-ups and professional experts.

Let’s get to it!

Step 1: Think About Your Objectives

The first, and most crucial, thing you should do is think about the objectives for your store.

  • What kind of customer problem are you looking to solve?
  • Are you solving the problem efficiently?
  • What kind of app functionality will help you solve the problem?

For instance, you should look for helpdesk or customer support apps to improve customer service?

On the flip side, if you're interested in collecting customer testimonials and showcasing them in your store, you should consider downloading a product review app.

Once you know the type of app you're looking for, you can begin your research.

Choose Your Objectives

Step 2: Searching For Apps

Next up, make sure that you find a few suitable apps so that you can easily compare their key characteristics and select the most suitable one at the end.

Here are a couple of crucial tips you should consider when searching for Shopify apps:

1. Apps by Goals

This is undoubtedly the most effective way to perform the entire search process.

Go to the official Shopify app store.

Then, at the top of your screen, you will see a button named "Apps by goal" - click it and select the suitable option.

You can view some of the most promising apps on the first pages.

But, if you want to expand your research process, then be sure to press the "All Apps" button.

This will open a window that displays all of Shopify's currently available apps.

Apps by Goals

Another great way to find what you're looking for is by writing down the primary keyword in the search bar.

Just go to the app store and begin.

For instance, if you're looking for a store editor program, then in the search bar, you can write "website editor," "website builder," "website tools," etc.

After this, Shopify will try to provide you with adequate results in no time.

We definitely suggest you try out a few variations for the keyword before you make the final selection.

Use the Search Bar on Shopify

3. Blogs

There are a lot of people writing Shopify app reviews on their websites.

All you need to do is go to Google and write down "best + keyword Shopify apps" - you will be able to find a ton of results!

For instance, if you're looking for product reviews, write "Best Product Review Apps On Shopify."

Note: Be sure that the blog you're reading is verified and delivers genuine information.

Look for suitable Shopify Apps on Google

4. Youtube

You can even research the best Shopify apps for your store on YouTube!

All you need to do is search for your preferred keyword and add "app review." You will see hundreds of videos pop up.

You should be looking for creators with a decent following - at least a thousand subscribers.

And, if you happen to have any questions about the app, you can leave them in the comment sections.

The creator will likely provide you with a response as fast as possible.

Watch Youtube Videos

Step 3: Evaluation Process

By this point, you will probably have a couple of tabs open.

Even though downloading and testing each app might sound like the smartest idea - it honestly isn't.

And to prove this, we will look at an example from Rewind.

"The director of Sounds True Privarnik K. was struggling to perform bulk uploads and exports to his catalog. So, he decided to install a few new apps in his store to make things easier. He just downloaded the first apps that popped up on his screen.

Privarnik managed to delete all of the vital data in less than a minute.”

“In about 45 seconds, I created three and a half weeks of work tracking down and re-inputting lost data”

How might you ask?

Privarnik didn't read anything, so he agreed to access the catalog. After that, he created a new catalog for testing purposes. But he lost all of his old data.

So, the team had to work for over three weeks without a break to get everything back!

So, you're convinced now?

Well, let's move on - shall we?

Ratings and Reviews

Believe it or not - consumer reviews can tell you a lot about the functionality and efficiency of the Shopify app you are considering downloading.

By going through multiple reviews, you will see what the users think about the app and whether they recommend the app to others.

Reading Ratings and Reviews

You should mainly look for higher-rated Shopify apps.

But, even if you see a Shopify app with a slightly lower rating than all others, you shouldn't eliminate it from your research.

Instead, try to spend some time digging into the reviews and try to assess the problems others have faced.

Here's how you can do that…

First, start by filtering the 1-star reviews.

Sometimes, this feedback is left out of frustration or even revenge.

So, you shouldn't give them too much consideration. Instead, just see how the business reacted to the message.

This way, you can see how the company treats its customers and whether they are trying to fix everything.

The 2-star and 3-star review section is certainly something that you should pay a lot of attention to.

This type of feedback is left because the user somewhat liked the app but also had legitimate concerns - for instance: lack of features, website problems, installation issues, or anything else.

So, you should check some of the latest reviews and see if there are more complaints regarding those problems.

If not, the developer might have fixed the issue and will keep improving its interface as time passes.

Typically, most 4-star and 5-star reviews are incredibly happy with their functionality and service.

This is a great place to see all of the features the app offers to its client.

Note: Make sure that the app you're viewing has at least a hundred reviews - this way, you can make an accurate evaluation.

Price rates

There are 3 different plan rates on Shopify - free, paid, and one-time.

Typically, most Shopify stores just starting out have a pretty minimal budget. If you're one of them, you should consider using free Shopify Apps.

Even though they won't have all the functionalities, they will help you start your business; once you start getting sales, you can even invest that into one of their paid plans.

Price Rates of Shopify apps

Speaking of paid plans for Shopify apps, there are many different paid plans.

You can review the paid plans and select the most suitable ones for your website requirements and business budget.

If you're having a tough time finding an adequate plan for your business, you can even communicate with their customer support.

Their team will do their best to provide you with the most fitting solution possible.

They might even offer you a unique discount as well!


Another crucial thing that most people might overlook is the overall compatibility of the app with Shopify.

A good integration will save you a lot of time and will allow you to perform all the functions inside the Shopify dashboard.

So, you won't be required to open multiple windows in the background.

You should also select apps with a "Works with the latest themes" badge on their official Shopify page.


Level of support

The next thing you should remember is the level of support each app offers.

Make sure the Shopify app you are considering has a customer support team as committed to your success as you are.

Level of Support

Go ahead and visit the official Shopify page of the app.

Then, scroll down to the app's product description and press the "Support" button.

You will be able to see 3 different categories:

"How to get in touch"
  • In this specific section, you will be able to see all their available support options. Some of the most popular ones are chat support, email, and even phone calls. Just remember - the more choices, the better!
  • "Resources"
  • This is where the developers list their FAQ and Privacy Policy pages. Even though most people might neglect it, these sections can benefit you and your business. It gives you a quick little peek at all their unadvertised features and the complexity of solving a problem in the application.
  • "About"
  • In this section, you can see their available apps, their average rating, and the year they started. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the entire history of the developer and decide whether downloading the app is worth your time or money.
  • Features

    Last but not least, ensure that the app you are installing has all the features you need.

    Carefully read the description of their site and review everything.

    You can even go to their official website and look for more details there. Some of the developers don't mention every single feature in their descriptions.

    Shopify App Features

    If you have any doubts, you can take advantage of their support (as mentioned above) and ask for any specific function you desire.

    Note: Also, don't forget to verify that the specific functionality you're looking for comes in the selected plan.

    Step 4: What Are The Different Categories?

    Need more assistance?

    Let's examine some of the most popular categories for Shopify stores.

    Shopify App Categories

    Product reviews

    It's true - consumers rely heavily on product reviews and ratings these days.

    Over 84% of online shoppers said they trust online opinions as much as personal recommendations.

    These apps will allow you to collect different reviews and showcase them on your website in 3 easy steps.

    Plus, most of them even come with many features that will make the entire process automated for you. This way, you can conveniently focus on other aspects of your business.

    They are suitable for all kinds of businesses - both start-ups and professionals.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify product review apps right here.

    Shopify Product Reviews Apps

    Customer service

    In today's eCommerce environment, good-quality customer service is a necessity.

    Not only does it help retain your customers, but it also extracts more value from them.

    There are several customer support apps on the marketplace, each with unique characteristics. From regular email support to premium live chatbots - the possibilities are endless.

    The benefits of these apps are better customer experience, reduced abandonment rates, and higher engagement.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify customer service apps right here.

    Customer Service Shopify Apps


    Did you know that Shopify apps can help you perform the entire promotion and marketing?

    Well, that's entirely true.

    There are several different niches you can go for, including content marketing, social media marketing, SEO marketing, email marketing, etc.

    For instance, if you want to get more subscribers for your email list, then you should consider searching for an app that offers email marketing. On the flip side, if you want to acquire traffic from Facebook or Instagram, you should look for a social media marketing app.

    The "marketing" apps are excellent for every business - particularly those just starting out.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify marketing apps right here.

    Shopify Marketing Apps

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    Do you want to boost your ranking on Google searches efficiently? Are you interested in receiving more organic traffic?

    Well, welcome to the world of "SEO" services.

    These sorts of apps allow you to perform site optimization without any kind of experience. They are pretty simple to use and are highly compatible with your website.

    In general, everyone can use these services. But, they are a must-have for all the website niches that aren't capable of ad promotions, like tobacco, CBD, or alcohol.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps for SEO right here.

    Shopify SEO Apps

    Inventory management

    What's the most promising way to keep track of your inventory? Well, "management" apps, of course!

    Most services have a simple installation procedure and are compatible with all stores.

    Inventory management apps are essential for businesses with high inventory levels - especially wholesale companies. Not only will these apps help you keep everything organized, but they will also alert you when a product is low on stock.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps for managing wholesale inventory here.

    Inventory Management Apps


    A dropshipper is an individual that outsources products from third-party websites into their page and sells them to the customer for a much higher price. They don't have to invest in product inventory or handle the fulfillment process. But, the one thing that they need to do is find a good selling product and a verified supplier.

    The best way to accomplish this is using unique dropshipping apps on Shopify. They will provide you with a complete catalog of thousands of products from suppliers like Aliexpress, Alibaba, Chinabrands, etc.

    Plus, some apps can even help you import the description and picture of the products in one simple click - talk about convenience.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps for dropshipping here.

    Dropshipping Apps

    Website design

    Shopify already offers an excellent editor. But, if you really want to step up your game, you should consider installing "website design" services. With the assistance of these apps, you will be able to present all of your products beautifully and create a smooth shopping experience on your site.

    From editing the color of the background to arranging all kinds of widgets, there are many possibilities that the "website design" apps can provide you with.

    They are suitable for any business but are mainly used by consumer goods brands in the clothing, beauty, health, and food industries.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps for website design here.

    Website Design Apps

    Another popular eCommerce sub-niche is print on demand. It has acquired millions in revenue in under a year and gained a lot of traction.

    With the help of print-on-demand applications, you can create reproductions from your artwork on several different products, including t-shirts, phone cases, hats, blankets, mugs, and many more.

    You will be able to find both free and paid apps in this category - so go with the ones that mostly fit your budget.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps for print on design here.

    Page Optimizer

    The overall page speed can greatly affect your website's success, and it can have an incredible impact on the overall search engine rankings and the satisfaction of your consumers.

    A recent study has proven that most users click away and choose a different search result if the page takes more than 3.0 seconds to load completely, which seriously affects your conversion rate.

    These "page optimizer" apps will ensure that your page loads almost instantly in every scenario.

    Some of their most prominent features are image optimization, lazyload, page preloading, app caching, and many more.

    Also, let's not forget to mention that there are a few apps that even feature comprehensive statistics as well - thanks to this, you can easily track the performance of your page.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps to boost your site speed here.

    Page Optimizer Shopify Apps

    Product Customization

    This is pretty similar to "print on demand." But, unlike those services, product customization apps allow your clients to create their own designs on your products and see the results in real-time. This way, your customer can unleash their creativity and create a perfect masterpiece.

    Your customer can keep the product for themselves or even use it as a gift for some of their closest friends or family members.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps to customize your product here.

    Product Customization Apps


    If you're interested in increasing your sales and earning more revenue, you should try upselling.

    Don't know what upselling is? Well, in short - this is an attempt to convince your consumers to purchase something additional or more costly.

    It's efficient, and any business can take advantage of it.

    There are a variety of apps currently available. Hence, you will indeed find something that fits your preferences and budget scope.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps to increase sales and conversions here.

    Upselling Apps

    Lead generation

    Most lead generation apps will help you collect a ton of different visitors' contact information through a web form like a “Spin-to-Win” Wheel.

    These applications are pretty valuable to your business and are mainly used for Shopify stores just getting into the world of eCommerce.

    Find a complete review of the best Shopify apps to capture leads here.

    Lead Generation Apps

    Step 5: Monitor Performance

    Finally, you have downloaded the most suitable app for your needs. But, the work doesn't stop here.

    You should keep an eye on everything even after the installation process.

    Do a checklist and see if the app has helped your business in any specific way.

    You can measure things like:

    • Sales
    • Conversions
    • Profit
    • Social proof gathered
    • Net-promoter score
    • Leads captured
    • ..and more!

    If you see that the app doesn't do what you anticipated, you should remove it and search for a new one.

    There are thousands of apps on Shopify, so you can find a better alternative.

    Monitor Your Performance

    And, while we're at it...

    You should also review the entire list of Shopify apps installed on your store.

    Always ask yourself if you are still using them. If not, uninstall the app.

    Most of the time, Shopify store owners decide to download an application for a short-term problem. And once the problem is solved, they forget to remove the app from their store.

    Not only can this slow down their store, but it will also raise the overall expenses (if they select a paid plan).

    In order to prevent this from happening, don't forget to do a quick app clean-up every month.

    Keep your complete app list neat and organized.

    One more thing…

    This is a great time to see if you have two identical Shopify Apps.

    The developer may announce a brand-new functionality that duplicates the work of another app.

    Start refreshed and review both of the apps side-by-side and remove one of them.

    Preferably, you should leave the one that has more functions and offers the best value for the overall price.

    Ultimately, ensure you leave a detailed review of all the applications you use on Shopify.

    Thanks to this, you can share your opinions with other users and tell the developers where to improve.


    Remember - Shopify apps help your store become more functional and versatile.

    By picking the most suitable app, you will be capable of boosting your sales conversions, retaining consumers, and creating a good reputation.

    Want to increase your knowledge in eCommerce?

    Well, be sure to check out our other Shopify blog posts as well!

    Happy selling!

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