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Published by: Fera Team


Lights, camera, action.

It's a fact - video marketing is slowly becoming the most crucial element of digital commerce especially for eCommerce stores.

Brands can no longer capture the audience's attention through simple text.

You will establish a deeper connection with your customers by telling your story through video and generating more brand awareness.

And yes, chances are - it can even assist you in improving your conversions too.

Believe it or not - it's almost impossible to ignore video content in this day and age. It's literally everywhere - traditional broadcast media, digital advertisements, social media, and many other channels.

And the best part about using video in marketing your eCommerce brand is that it's never late to begin!

Even though producing video content for your business can be quite time-consuming, it can all pay off in the long term.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

To prove that putting effort into video marketing can pay off in the long-term, we went ahead and sourced 59 statistics that prove the importance of video marketing - including real-life examples.

By the time you get to the end, you will have a better picture of everything.

So, let's start and jump right into the article!

Video Testimonials And UGC

Did you know that video testimonials and reviews are one of the most effective ways to build social proof on your eCommerce website?

It's true!

Even though most eCommerce reviews are text-based, statistics show that video content is becoming much more impactful to buyers.

Why - you might ask?

First, video testimonials and reviews are much easier and more entertaining to watch. Second, since they are harder to fake, they also seem more authentic and trustworthy. Third, they can generate more sales on your site and help you reach a wider audience.

Video Reviews & UGC

Let's use some proven statistics to back our statements:

  1. Over 79% of purchasers have decided to watch the video testimonial in order to get a better feeling for the company and its products or services.

    Source: Wyzowl

  2. 9 out of 10 users reported that they are happy to listen to what other customers think about the brand.

    Source: Wyzowl

  3. Nearly 70% of all professional marketers say that video content converts better than other mediums.

    Source: Forbes

  4. 83% of customers need to see reviews before making the final purchasing decision.

    (Source: Fera Product Reviews)

  5. Pages with video testimonials are around 53 times more likely to show up on the primary page on Google.

    (Source: Vocal References)

  6. On prime average, users are willing to stay longer if the site has user-generated video content.

    (Source: Vocal References)

  7. Up to 47% of individuals report that user-generated video content is effective because they help visualize how a product really works.

    Source: Wyzowl

  8. 42% of users say testimonial videos are effective because they showcase an actual buyer.

    Source: Wyzowl

  9. 87% of all Gen Z users prefer videos that show someone talking about a product.

    Source: Wyzowl

Video Marketing General Statistics

Video marketing can do absolute wonders for your eCommerce business.
Not only can it help you drive more visitors to your website, but it can even improve your overall sales conversions.

General Video Marketing

  1. Most digital marketing specialists have said that video marketing is the most effective way to get attention on the internet.

    Source: Animoto

  2. Viewers claim that they can remember 95% of a message when watching a video.

    Source: Social Media Week

  3. Most brands have stated that video marketing has helped users get a better feel of the product or service.

    Source: Wyzowl

  4. 83% of business companies have reported that video content has increased dwell time on their website.

    Source: Wyzowl

  5. Nearly half of the buyers said that the online videos helped them decide which product to purchase.

    Source: Google

  6. Nearly 93% of brands acquired a new shopper because of a video.

    Source: Animoto

  7. 78% of all online marketers stated that videos have directly helped them increase sales.

    Source: Wyzowl

  8. 84% of all marketers have stated that video content has assisted them in generating more leads.

    Source: Wyzowl

  9. Around 93% of all the trademarks got a new consumer because of a video on their main social media platform.

    Source: Animoto

Speaking of social media...

Social Media Marketing Video Statistics

From quick stories to long-form reels, social media channels have become one of the best platforms for sharing video content.

Most eCommerce companies already know the importance of a social presence, but the fact is that only a few companies have been consistently active on social.

So, here are a couple of reasons why you should start doing video marketing on social media.

Let's start by looking at some general statistics before we dive deeper.

Social Media Marketing Video Statistics

  1. Video postings on social channels can get 48% more interactions

    Source: The Marketing Helpline

  2. Over 74% of users are interested in watching entertaining videos on social media.

    Source: HubSpot

  3. Social media videos can generate over 1200% more shares than text or pictures.

    Source: G2Crowd

  4. Approximately 70% of millennials actually want to use their devices in portrait view when watching videos.

    Source: AdNews

  5. Video marketing campaigns are generating phenomenal 50% view rates.

    Source: LinkedIn

  6. YouTube is the most popular channel for videos. The others are Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.

    Source: Oberlo


Let's start with one of the most widespread channels and work through all the others. Made in 2005, Youtube has more than 2.6 billion active users per month - that's nearly half of the internet users.

Let's get into more video statistics - shall we?

YouTube Video Marketing

  1. Around 65% of users state that YouTube is their most enjoyable platform for watching video content.

    Source: Limelight

  2. Over 40% of all buyers have purchased products they found on YouTube.

    Source: Google

  3. 87% of people are more likely to make faster purchasing decisions when watching YouTobe video content.

    Source: ThinkWithGoogle

  4. Around 62% of Google searches feature some kind of video. And 80% of them come from YouTube.

    Source: Search Metrics

  5. Nearly half of all the videos on the internet are posted on YouTube.

    Source: In Video

  6. Each minute, around 9,500 hours of content is made on Youtube.

    Source: Statista

  7. The average user spends around 17 minutes on Youtube on a day-to-day basis.

    Source: Alexa

  8. Believe it or not- there are more than 38 million active YouTube channels. And, what's more interesting, around 22,000 have over 1 million loyal subscribers.

    Source: Tubic

  9. Users pay more attention when watching Youtube videos than on television.

    Source: ThinkWithGoogle

  10. 50% of markers are already making Youtube video content.

    Source: PPC Hero


Facebook is the real OG when it comes to social media marketing.
This is the place where everything began.

With roughly 2.93 billion active users, this is one of the most used networks in the world!

Facebook Video Marketing

  1. The entire Facebook platform gets more than 8 billion views per single day.

    Source: TechCrunch

  2. Facebook users spend more time looking at live videos than pre-recorded videos

    Source: Hubspot

  3. Facebook videos are mainly watched without the sound turned on.

    Source: American Press Institute

  4. Most business companies choose Facebook as their primary video marketing tool.

    Source: Buffer

  5. More than 75 million users access Facebook's videos on a day-to-day basis.

    Source: AdWeek

  6. As of now, 15% of all the content generated on Facebook is video content.

    Source: TechCrunch

  7. Facebook, as a platform, has over 500 million video advertisers on a regular basis.

    Source: Hubspot

  8. The video posts on Facebook have the highest organic engagement out of all the other platforms.

    Source: Hubspot

  9. The average video length on Facebook is around 3 minutes.

    Source: Social Insider

  10. Users spend an average of 20 minutes on the Facebook Watch segment.

    Source: AdWeek


Another popular channel for video marketing is Instagram. It was launched in the late 2010s and currently has over 2 billion users.

Thanks to Instagram Shopping, it has become a center for eCommerce brands to sell.

Let's jump into the reports!

Instagram Video Marketing

  1. 58% of users said they became more interested in a product after viewing it on Instagram Stories.

    Source: Instagram

  2. Approximately 77% of all professional marketers have shared a certain video on IGTV.

    Source: Instagram

  3. 49% of buyers have watched at least one or two videos on Instagram TV.

    Source: Animoto

  4. Over 90% of all Instagram accounts follow at least one brand.

    Source: Instagram

  5. 1 in 4 customers decides to make a purchase after looking at a promotional Instagram story.

    Source: Animoto

  6. Instagram has actually reported that they have seen an 80% increase in their viewing time.

    Source: Instagram

  7. Nearly 58% of Instagram users feel more connected to the brand they follow.

    Source: Instagram

  8. Half of the users on Instagram watch stories with the sound on.

    Source: Instagram

  9. The video content on Instagram gets twice as much engagement when compared to other kinds of posts.

    Source: Search Engine Journal

  10. Nearly 7 out of 10 individuals swiped up to access the special hyperlinks on Instagram Stories.

    Source: Mention

  11. Adding some interesting stickers to your stories can increase viewership count by 83%

    Source: Facebook


Launched in 2017, TikTok is one of the newest social media platforms. But, in just a short period of time, Tiktok has managed to gain over 1 billion users from all over the world.

So, the engagement is absolutely over the roof.

Let's check some more info!

TikTok Video Marketing

  1. Over 68% of the individuals use TikTok to watch other videos.

    Source: Global Web Index

  2. An average American user spends over 46 minutes on TikTok daily - amounting to 37 billion views a month.

    Source: Ad Age

  3. Only 10% of marketers have actually tried video marketing on TikTok. And 66% have reported that the entire campaign was incredibly successful.

    Source: Wyzowl

  4. TikTok's ads guarantee over 5 million daily impressions.

    Source: Ad Age


As you can see, video content is clearly the future of digital marketing for eCommerce stores.

Using it in your marketing can provide you with various benefits and advantages, as shown in the video statistics above!

If you want to stay on top of your competitors and keep getting attention, you must start using video marketing as quickly as possible.

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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