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Published by: Lisa Glutting

What are QR codes?

QR is short for Quick Response Code. They are those funny looking matrix barcodes you may have seen cropping up all over the place. These barcodes are machine-readable and can contain information. Originally, they were used on products, so the code would provide further details about the product. Typically, the codes point to a website or application. Previously one needed a special app to be able to use QR codes. Now companies like Apple and Google are able to include the detection of codes natively in their operating systems. This addressed the main barrier that existed, as previously they were reliant on outside apps to read the codes. QR codes have fast readability and have more storage capacity than the average UPC barcode.

How do I use a QR code?

Anyone who has a mobile phone can use their camera to detect QR codes. Most recent phones have this capability built in as it becomes more common to use QR codes. You may have seen posters for tickets use them with the code taking you to the band's website. Or perhaps you've used the Snapchat QR codes to quickly add someone to your friends list. QR codes can even be used on forms to take you to an online consent waiver, or information form. The uses for QR codes are quite endless in today's internet connected world. QR codes consist of vertical and horizontal black squares arranged in different patterns on a grid. The required data is stored and can be extracted from the patterns present in the vertical and horizontal parts of the images.

How does QR work?

When using your camera, you point the front-facing camera at the code. It typically takes less than a second once the device recognizes the code. Then the user can click the link that will take them to the desire location. This is especially helpful on items or packaging or posters where there isn't enough space for all the information, or where the website can act as a partner to whatever has the code on it. This allows brands to create B2C relationships with consumers.

Why should I use QR Codes?

The codes allow consumers and merchants to build relationships. You can connect the mobile user's daily life with a virtual reality. By adopting a real life and online aspect it makes the brand more interactive and allows an easy way to share data and information. It's a new channel for discovering products and acquiring customers.

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