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Published by: Jameela Ghann

Product reviews on your online store are essential to building trust and boosting your conversion rate.

Here are a few product review stats that every online store needs to know:

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Product Reviews Build Trust

  1. 66% of consumers stated many online reviews make them trust a brand online.
  2. 68% of consumers won’t believe your reviews are legit if you don't have any negative reviews.
  3. 15% of users don’t trust businesses without reviews.
  4. Only 6% of consumers don’t trust customer reviews at all.
  5. 95% suspect censored or fake reviews if there aren’t any negative ones.

Product Review Statistics Ecommerce

Product Reviews Increase Online Conversions

  1. 72% of customers won’t take any action until they read reviews about your business.
  2. Adding product reviews on your online store increases total conversions by 3% or more (and you don't need many).
    • One review can improve conversion rates by 10% or more!
    • 30 reviews can improve conversions by 25% or more
    • 100 reviews can improve conversions by 37% or more
  3. For 90% of American customers, reviews are the most crucial part of the purchase decision.
  4. The probability for the purchase of a product with five reviews is 270% higher than the same product without reviews.
  5. Reviews on higher-priced products can increase their conversion rate by 380%.
    • Cheaper items with product reviews saw a 190% increase in conversion rates
    • Expensive items with product reviews saw a  380% increase in conversion rates

Product Reviews Example

The Impact of Negative Reviews on Conversion Rates

  1. Negative reviews can increase conversion by up to 85% (don't delete them!).
  2. More than four negative reviews about a company or product may decrease sales by 70% (be sure to learn from your negative reviews so you don't get a bunch).

Product Reviews Increase eCommerce Sales

  1. 93% of consumers say that online reviews influenced their purchase decisions.
  2. Around 60% of shoppers, take the time to read product reviews before they make a buying decision.
  3. Users reading reviews on a mobile device are 127% more likely to make a purchase than desktop users.
  4. 53% of Americans consider product reviews and ratings to be the most crucial part of the online shopping experience.
  5. Customers would spend 31% more on a business with great reviews.
  6. 30% of consumers agree that UGC increases their purchasing confidence.
  7. Reviews produce an average of 18% uplift in sales.
  8. Businesses with more than 9 recent reviews (posted within the past 90 days) earn 52% more than average.
  9. Businesses with more than 25 recent reviews (posted within the past 90 days) earn 108% more than average.
  10. Among similar products online, 35% of consumers said better reviews have driven them to buy the higher-priced option.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

Product Reviews Improve SEO

  1. Online stores with product reviews saw as much as a 25% increase in organic search engine traffic.
  2. Online reviews have a 10.3% influence on the global Google search results rankings.

Google Ratings Average Rating Badge

Stats That Stores Need To Ask For Product Reviews

  1. 86% of consumers would consider writing a review for a business.
  2. 77% of users would leave a review if asked.
  3. 49% of consumers consider the number of online reviews as an essential factor in their purchase decision.
  4. 64% of Americans agree user-generated content (UGC) improved their shopping experience.
  5. Nearly two-thirds of US customers agree UGC is more interesting than content created by the brand.
  6. 35% of customers would leave a review to inform others about their customer experience.
  7. 24% of customers would rather direct their review to the company itself.
  8. Over a quarter (26%) of customers would be willing to leave a review to help other shoppers with their decision-making.
  9. Brands can expect their average star rating to increase after emailing buyers a direct link to submit reviews.
  10. 36.8% of consumers ages 18-65+ prefer to leave reviews on a business' website.

Online Stores Need To Respond To Product Reviews

  1. 95% of unsatisfied customers will return to a company if it manages to solve the issue quickly and efficiently.
  2. 53% of consumers expect companies to respond within a week to negative reviews.
  3. 89% of users read businesses’ responses to reviews.
  4. People spend up to 49% more money at businesses that reply to reviews.
  5. Not replying to reviews risks increasing customer churn by up to 15%.
  6. Businesses that don’t reply to any reviews earn 9% less revenue than average.
  7. Businesses that reply to their reviews at least 25% of the time average 35% more revenue.
  8. Customers are 110% likelier to buy from an online store that features reviews and Q&A.

Reply To Reviews Desktop 768x480

eCommerce Stores Need Average Ratings and Star Ratings

  1. Best-selling products’ have a 4.2-4.7 rating.
  2. Conversion rates begin to decrease as ratings rise above 4.7 (if it is too good to be true, it probably is!).
  3. Buyers require an average of 40 online reviews before believing a business’s star rating is accurate.
  4. More than half of consumers won’t use a business if it has less than a 4* rating.

Average Rating Badge Example

Stats That Prove Online Stores Need A Product Review Strategy

  1. 73% of consumers think written reviews are more important than star and number ratings.
  2. 82% of consumers visit review sites because they want to purchase a product.
  3. 89% of consumers purchase within a week of visiting a review site, while 29% do so within 24 hours.

Keep reviews fresh

  1. 58% of customers look at online reviews weekly.
  2. Half of all millennials “always” read online reviews for businesses.
    • Compared to only 6% of people aged 55+ “always” read reviews.
  3. 77% of users don’t trust reviews older than three months.

Gather as many reviews as possible (but you don't need too many)

  1. 70% of consumers need to read at least four reviews before they can trust a business.
  2. 90% of users need less than 10 reviews to form an opinion about a business.

What Percentage of People Leave Reviews?

Average Review Submission Rate Based on Industry

On average, 10% of people leave reviews, but here are the average review submission rate based on eCommerce industry.

  • Services and Consulting: 32%
  • Food and Drink: 18%
  • Jewelry: 18%
  • Home and Furniture: 16%
  • Plants and Garden: 15%
  • Sports and Recreation: 13%
  • Fashion and Apparel: 12%
  • Gifts and Collectibles: 11%
  • Electronics and Gadgets: 11%
  • Beauty and Cosmetics: 10%
  • Automotive: 10%
  • Pets and Animals: 9%
  • Health Care: 7%
  • Toys and Games: 6%
  • Art and Photography: 5%
  • Stationary and Office: 4%


Learn more about the average review rate based on industry.

Other Fun Review Statistics

  1. Google accounts for 57.5% of all reviews worldwide.
  2. 60% of consumers consult blog and social media reviews on their mobile devices before shopping.
  3. 70% of millennials are more likely to purchase a product reviewed by a non-celebrity blogger or influencer.
  4. 78% of consumers who bought after reading a review report being satisfied.
  5. According to Statista, the age distribution of reviewers is as follows:
    • 16-24 – 47%
    • 25-34 – 52%
    • 35-44 – 45%
    • 45-54 – 34%
    • 55-64 – 28%

Customer Photo User Generated Content Statistics

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

The Value of Positive Product Reviews

Displaying positive product reviews on your online store is one of the best ways to improve your conversion rate and boost sales.

Your shoppers are likely to spend much more when you have product reviews on your product page or average ratings badges and customers willing to spend more on a business with positive reviews.

Other benefits of product reviews are that they:

  • Increase shopper trust
  • Help you engage with customers and improve their experience
  • Allow you to appear higher in search engine rankings

The Value of Negative Product Reviews

While getting negative reviews sucks, it doesn't immediately spell disaster for your business, but you don't want too many.

In fact, 19% of the reviews the average business gets are negative, and many shoppers won't believe the legitimacy of your reviews if there aren't negative product reviews.

You should always be learning from your negative reviews because it takes around 40 positive customer experiences to undo the damage of a single negative review.

Responding To Negative Reviews

3 Ways to Use Online Reviews to Your Advantage

Now that you know how important product reviews are to your business, here are some ways that you can leverage them!

1. Ask for Product Reviews from Your Customers

You should be asking customers for a review after they have made a purchase.

You can use Fera Product Reviews to ask for reviews after a certain number of days after an order is made.

Asking for a review after providing excellent customer service is also a great strategy.

Here is a handy guide for asking for reviews for your eCommerce store.

2. Respond to Product Reviews

You need to check in every so often to respond to your product reviews.

Fera makes this easy by giving you reminders to respond when you have reached a certain number of reviews that haven't been replied to.

Remember, a customer took the time to leave you a review, so you should use your time to respond to them!

Here is a guide to responding to positive and negative reviews.

3. Share Product Reviews on Social Media

Always share your positive reviews on social to amplify your reach! 

Here are some tips:

  • Use a specific photo review on your Instagram and tag the product that is mentioned.
  • Share text-based reviews on Twitter or Facebook with a professional product photo.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

(Sources for this post: Salsify, Brightlocal, Chatmeter, Moz, Statista , Gatherup, Statuslabs, Inc.com, Spiegel Research Center , Martech Zone, RevLocal, Capterra, Smart Insights, Fan and Fuel, Shopify, SocialMediaToday, Womply, Review Trackers, Podium )

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