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Published by: Jameela Ghann - Guest Post

In this day and age, the world is full of eCommerce stores. There are a number of factors that define the success and reliability of your eCommerce store - especially your home decor store.

However, one crucial factor in promoting the reputation of your eCommerce store is product reviews.

Product reviews are the most important part of an online shop's marketing and branding. They help you build trust and loyalty and typically express what makes your products better than others.


In this article, we're going to focus on how to get product photo reviews, especially for your home decor store, and how you can convince your buyers to leave more of them. 

Read on to get started.

asking for reviews for different industries

The importance of product reviews

Understanding why you need online product reviews will help you optimize your customer experience. Let's review a couple of reasons why your consumers' published experiences with your brand are essential:

➼ Makes Your Store Seem Trustworthy - Your Home Decor store can build significant trust and loyalty from a constant stream of positive reviews.

➼ Visual Proof - Most of the customers are uncertain about how the product really looks. The reviews will help your customer see how the furniture or accessories look like in real life.

➼ Impact - Customers are more likely to purchase if others around them—even strangers—agree that it is a great decision. Today, online reviews are the most vital source of social proof, and they have a huge impact on sales.

➼ Visibility - Most shoppers will look on search engines like Google and Bing or even on Facebook before buying a product. These websites can help you boost your product visibility, and customer reviews can surely help your brand in many ways.

➼ Low Return Rates - For companies with lots of reviews, there is more feedback for customers to read through. Every buyer is unique and looking for various features. With plenty of reviews to peruse, buyers get a much clearer understanding of the product they're considering purchasing.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

How to get Photo Reviews for your Home Decor Store?

Our research reveals that photo reviews can help your store convert up to 95% more than text-only reviews. This is why most major players like Wish and Wayfair focus on receiving as many photo reviews as possible. They have been motivating their customers to leave photo reviews instead of the original text.

Using our tips below, you can maximize the number of photo reviews you collect from your customers and generate more traffic, conversion, and recognition for your home decor store.

1. Make it easy to give product reviews

There's nothing more irritating than logging onto a website and not knowing how to reach a certain page.

In this case, it's about making it clear for customers to leave a product review. You want to make this process as simple as possible.

Asking For Reviews From Customers

2. Remind your customers to leave product reviews

You shouldn't feel bad or ashamed of asking your customers to leave a product review. But be sure to explain how their review has a big impact on your brand.

Be sure to mention that taking a photo review of their new furniture would be even better. This way, your customers will see what your product is in real life, and they will feel a lot more secure buying your product.

Recent studies have proven that you will get 35% more reviews by sending a second review request email to the customers who haven't submitted their review yet.

Must Read: Review Request Templates You Can Swipe To Get More Product Reviews

3. Ask for product reviews at the right time.

when to send campaigns

Reminding your customers to leave photo reviews is important, but sending that reminder at the right time is even more important. You don't want to ask customers to review their new home products for a review too early because that might mean their product still hasn't arrived.

It wouldn't make much sense to send them with the same review request a few months after the purchase was made; asking too late can mean they are no longer as excited as when the product arrived.

There's no specific rule that says when is the most suitable time to ask for product reviews, so to find out what works for your business, you'll have to put yourself in your buyer's shoes.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

4. Offer an incentive

Automatic Content Campaign   Incentive Options

Offer an incentive in exchange for submitting a photo review. Incentives are an excellent way to get people passionate about sharing information.

This can vary from rewards for reviews onto existing rewards or creating completely new incentives for reviewers. If you don't have a rewards program, there are plenty of other ways to incentivize the reviews, including contest entries, coupons, discounts, gift certificates, etc.

By incentivizing your customers, the products will have considerably more photo reviews and more powerful social proof. And all those happy customers, who took the time and submitted a photo, will have even more of a reason to buy from you again!

5. Encourage customer reviews on social media

A recent study has shown that people worldwide spend at least 120 minutes on social media every day. Since your buyers are spending a lot of their time on this channel already, it may be worth encouraging them to leave a photo review of your products on their social media accounts.

Don't know how you can do it? Add a review tab to your store's Facebook official page. Or ask your customers to share their experiences with your store by using a hashtag on Instagram.

Sometimes a picture of your customers using your furniture with a smile on their face can say more than a 2-word product review on your website. With the customer's approval, you can even republish the photo reviews on your brand's social media account to build stronger connections with your followers.

6. Train your staff

review request templates

Be sure that every person representing your company understands your expectations of how to work with customers and ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

You may want to consider educating your staff to demonstrate what is the most effective, practical, and proper way to work with customers. You may also want to target working on how to positively solve any issues or concerns that may occur when using your products and services.

Remember, happy and satisfied customers always leave a positive photo review!

7. Offer quality

Work that proves the quality of your home decor product is helpful when it comes to receiving online reviews from customers. If your business store is recognized for doing irregular work and received a lot of negative customer complaints – there is no chance that you'll be able to grow your online ratings.

For example, suppose you're selling low-quality furniture and arrive at your customers either broken or sprained. In that case, most customers won't be happy and will leave your store a bad review or won't even bother leaving feedback.

If you want to build positive customer ratings and photo reviews, then you need to make sure your store provides quality products anytime and all the time. Make sure that you can stand behind your preferences, products, and services. If you are convinced that you have an incredible product, potential clients will be, too.

8. Be Responsive

This is a vital aspect of doing positive reviews for your business. As the store owner, your responses to both good and bad reviews can help build trust and harmony.

Yes, even bad reviews. If you get a bad review, use that opportunity to demonstrate that you're ready to resolve the problem. It is really important to know how to flip the bad reviews to your advantage.

How to deal with a negative review?

Responding To Negative Reviews

To manage all the negative reviews, you must take an authentic and friendly approach. Even when dealing with dishonest or false cases, always make sure you avoid getting into an online argument with your customer. Instead, let the user know that you will do your best to improve the situation and fix their problem. A pretty popular model for handling bad reviews is using the REST:

  • Respond immediately.
  • Eliminate the emotion.
  • Say that you are sorry.
  • Take the situation offline.

And remember: You CAN always ask the user to remove the negative review – but only after you've already established good communication with him.


Remember, the more reviews your store has, the more trustworthy your company appears to possible customers.

So go that extra mile to make the process of leaving reviews easy and modern.

With these tips, you'll be sure on your way to get a ton of photo reviews, create strong social proof and grow your business.

Also, don't forget to analyze the feedback you receive to make better business decisions in the future.

Because that is the most important part of the reviews, hear out the customers about your products and improve over time.

Beautiful, simple reviews for your site

Easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your business.

What are you waiting for?

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a YES.

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