Show all your company’s reviews

Show all your company’s reviews

Display all your product and company reviews (including ones from Facebook and Google) in an all reviews page or on your product page.
Show product ratings anywhere

Show product ratings anywhere

Display average product rating stars in collection and product pages on your site to entice customers to click.
Show customer photo & video galleries

Show customer photo & video galleries

Display an elegant gallery of customer-submitted photos and videos for each product or anywhere else on your whole site.
Show product reviews on your site

Show product reviews on your site

Show a beautiful-looking reviews with attached customer photos and videos for each product on your site.
Display your company’s overall rating

Display your company’s overall rating

Display your company's average rating in your footer or on a collection page.

Maximize social proof

Maximize social proof to increase sales with your existing reviews by showing ratings in Google and showing reviews beautifully.
Show ratings in Google search results

Show ratings in Google search results

Product reviews with Fera are SEO-friendly and will show up in search engine results.
Group reviews+ for similar products

Group reviews+ for similar products

Combine customer reviews, photos and videos across similar products by creating product groups.
Sync reviews across multiple sites

Sync reviews across multiple sites

Use the multi-store sync (syndication) feature to share reviews across multiple sites.

See it in action

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Developer-friendly APIs

Create a stronger, better end-user experience with Fera’s comprehensive documentation and code examples.
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Secure & GDPR Compliant Servers

Get the protection you need for your site and keep your customer’s information.
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World-class Live Support

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Super-high Speed Servers

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Manage Reviews+ Automatically

Add, import, manage and moderate your customer reviews, photos & videos with ease.
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Grow Reviews+ Automatically

Get more customer reviews, photos and videos to grow your sales.
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Get started in minutes

> 90% of shoppers see reviews before buying. Make sure what they see gets them to a Yes.

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