Fera and Shopify

Display customer reviews, photos, and videos on your Shopify store and request reviews automatically upon each new order with Fera.

This Shopify app integration gives you the ability to:

  • Incentivize customer reviews with dynamically-generated coupon codes upon approval of customer reviews, photos, or videos.
  • Add widgets (like review lists, customer photos and video media galleries, and rating stars) from your Shopify Theme 2.0 editor (AKA "Dawn" themes).

No coding is necessary to gain all the features that Fera has to offer.

Comparison to Shopify Reviews App

You gain A TON of time-saving and sales-enhancing features with Fera versus the default Shopify reviews app.

The most notable improvements are:

  1. Automate review requests after order fulfillment.
  2. Receive photo and video reviews and submissions from customers.
  3. Reward customers with discounts and other incentives for review, photo or video submissions.
  4. Syndicate reviews from Facebook, Google and Amazon with your own collected reviews and show them all in one place.
  5. Moderate customer review, photo and video submissions before they're submitted to your site. ... and much, MUCH more. For a more in-depth comparison, check out this full comparison article here.

Partner Info

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that helps entrepreneurs start, run, and grow their business.


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